Tru a gresit cand a intrat in politica, pentru care el nu e - aloo - potrivit. Tezist, stilist, vizionarist, idealist si, de aceea, cam radical si de fapt cam extremist, el era muult mai nimerit sa scrie editoriale ca edecar pedalist si sa intretina astfel focul continuu la mitul traianist, in randurile talibanilor portocalii si-ale intelighentiei cilibii, ca sa nu zic fistichii, iar gararea sa pe banciile poolticii, fie ele si alea mai lustruite, ale Ioropii, il va proiecta curand in uitare si-n rugina ruinatoare, fiindca Tru - asta e situatia, fratioare - nu prea are date personale spre a se adapta la birocratia meschina si-n orice caz de footila rutina, la cinicile negocieri de dupa cortina si la alte chestiutze de-astea unde ti se cere talent de printz de benevent, iar nu de editorialist cu beletristic ghivent. El nu e barem orator sau retor cat de cat priceput, maestru de sedinte cenusii, cap de comitete or comitzii, limbut or gargaragiu innascut, precum severin cel crescut subt al activistilor scut si va fi tratat de fitzosii functionari cu manecutze gucci, ce se cred inca in era cadrilului si-a perucii, precum cucii metafizici de la platarasti, pe care ii aplauzi fiindca hom cica civilizat te numesti, dar n-ai vrea sa-i vezi in haine ioropenesti, ci-n mumoase costume de sfortza, pe masura avatarurilor lor supralumesti. Una preste alta, in loc sa stea naiba in banca sa si sa deschida sarba pedalisto-populara pe-a vantului inca vizibila scena editoriala, profitand de faptul ca, de jena, de colegiala sfiala, din securizata socoteala, de frica viitorului sau din cine stie ce alt motiv pe care io, un simplu poesel diliu, n-am de unde sa-l stiu, alde Buscu inca-l prezervau ca pe partizanu frontului portocaliu din spatele frontului kakiu - cum ar venea -, Tru s-a lasat dus ca iaka la oraca, in schimbu unui porcoi de ieurei cica grei, ce maine-poimaine se vor duce si ei pe apa sambetei, si de unde ex-editorialistu cu peana-i maiastra sadea nu va mai phootea ajuta (in caz ca nu-l va prelua Ziua ) nici tzerisoara noa’ si nici pe idolu sau si-al inca multora cu mai nemic, fiindca lista aia ar trage-o nainte mai degraba fata pe post de praslea cel mic (caci, orice s-ar zice, e odrasla l-al sau tatic), decat un orator cam zbughit si cam peltic, care nu-i totuna c-un editorialist birlik, aloo…
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
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Postez aci daca vad ca ai inchis la articolul curent. Si daca si asta te deranjeaza la politicele-ti socoace, nu-ti mai calc pragul, fii pe pace ca oricum n-avem mai nimic in comun, ei drace!
ReplyDeleteFMI&Co si doctrina shocului ori interesele cui vor fi servite?!
Basic Rule: Follow the money to the end of it, if you may, and you'll be 'shocked' but alive! Ma tem insa ca pentru Ro este deja prea tarziu . : {
The Shock Doctrine a fost premiata pe 25 februarie a.c.
The complexity of Naomi Klein's portrayal of the rise of disaster capitalism, The Shock Doctrine, has won its author the inaugural £50,000 Warwick prize for writing.
"The only book of the last few years in American publishing that I would describe as a mandatory must-read. Literally the only one."
-Rachel Maddow
Around the world in Britain, the United States, Asia and the Middle East, there are people with power who are cashing in on chaos; exploiting bloodshed and catastrophe to brutally remake our world in their image. They are the shock doctors. Thrilling and revelatory, The Shock Doctrine cracks open the secret history of our era. Exposing these global profiteers, Naomi Klein discovered information and connections that shocked even her about how comprehensively the shock doctors' beliefs now dominate our world - and how this domination has been achieved. Raking in billions out of the tsunami, plundering Russia, exploiting Iraq - this is the chilling tale of how a few are making a killing while more are getting killed.
The Shock Doctrine
Los Angeles Times, June 22, 2008
Klein launches a highly polemical, and persuasive, assault on free-market fundamentalism. She rips into the big-business agenda to show how economic opportunists need and promote misery and disaster, challenging us to look at world-changing events -- Pinochet's coup, Tiananmen Square, the collapse of the Soviet Union, Hurricane Katrina -- from a whole other perspective. Not everybody's going to agree with her, but this is reporting and history-writing in the tradition of Izzy Stone and Upton Sinclair. Klein upends assumptions and demands that we think -- her book is thrilling, troubling and very dark.
. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, a painstakingly detailed analysis of how corporations manipulate natural and manmade disasters to line their pockets and further their privatizing agenda, is not a marginal, academic treatise by a lefty think tank targeted at a small, like-minded audience. [. . .]The 560-page argument, which also deals with the privatization of post-communist economies in Poland, Russia and China, the reliance of the Israeli private sector on security-related entrepreneurship and other subjects, is bolstered by nearly 70 pages of footnotes, citing more than 1,000 sources.